Honor: Prize-winning Prints of the Guanlan International Biennials Held in Beijing

To summarize the academic achievements of Guanlan International Print Biennials over four years, jointly hosted by the Committee of Printmaking Art, Chinese Artists Association, and Guanlan Original Printmaking Base, organized by Beijing Unionart, “Honor: Prize-winning Prints of the Guanlan International Biennials” exhibits in Beijing Unionart, on July 6 through to August 6, 2013. Featuring all the award-winning works over the last four years, to some extent, this exhibition represents the actual appearance of the current international printmaking art. Guanlan International Print Biennial has been successfully held four times since 2007. Guang Jun, Professor of, Honorary Director of the Committee of Printmaking Art, Chinese Artists Association, as well as Professor Qi Fengge from Shenzhen University served as the curators of the first biennale, which featured 223 finalists, selected from 1976 pieces of works from 57 countries across the world, including 15 works that initially won the Guanlan Printmaking Awards, which holds an open, tolerant, pluralistic attitude.

In the Second Guanlan International Print Biennale 2009, 242 finalists were selected from2804 works from 70 countries, 11 works won the awards, Prof. Zhang Yuanfan from China Academy of Art and Prof. Li Baoquan from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts serving as the curators.

, “Shichahai in August 13, 2009”, serigraph, 62 x 82 cm, 2009